
What makes us overlook the familiar, yet scrutinize the unfamiliar? This blog dives deep into the psychology of human behavior to explain why DIY design tools may not be the best way to represent your brand’s visual identity.

“Familiarity breeds contempt – and children.” – Mark Twain

The Psychology of Familiarity

What Familiarity Does to Our Perception

As humans, our brain is wired to recognize patterns and adapt. This adaptation is a double-edged sword. On one hand, it enables us to focus on what’s new or different, which in prehistoric times was essential for survival. On the other hand, it can make us blind to what’s already around us. This ‘perceptual adaptation’ is why you may not find your family members ‘beautiful’ or ‘ugly’; you simply know them too well.

Emotional Attachment

When we see a face every day, we form emotional connections that override our objective perception. The face isn’t just a collection of features anymore; it’s a vessel of shared memories, conversations, and emotions. Our judgments become clouded by these layers of personal connection, making it impossible to see them the way a stranger would.

“Emotion can be the enemy, if you give into your emotion, you lose yourself. You must be at one with your emotion, because the body always follows the mind.” – Bruce Lee

The Trap in DIY Design

Losing Objectivity

Just like with familiar faces, the more time you spend on your DIY design, the more emotionally invested you become. You see the iterations, remember the changes, and even feel the frustration or satisfaction of the design process. All these experiences make the design familiar—too familiar, perhaps.

First Impressions are Lasting

To a potential customer or client, your design is a ‘new face,’ and their initial impression will shape their perception of your brand. If the design has flaws—flaws that you can’t see due to your familiarity—you risk sending the wrong message.

  • Fact: It takes only 1/10th of a second to form a first impression about a person, and websites are no different. – Google

How Brandelight Can Help

Fresh Eyes, Professional Insight

Brandelight serves as an external auditor of your design. Our team of experienced designers will look at your work with a fresh perspective, identifying elements that may not align with your brand’s goals or message.

Strategies Based on Understanding

Empathy: Our approach considers the emotional investment you’ve made in your designs. We respect that, and any revisions are made with the utmost care.

Targeted Design: With an in-depth understanding of different target segments—from Ad Agencies and Software Firms to SMEs—we tailor our solutions to meet the unique needs of your audience.


Understanding the psychological mechanics of how we perceive the familiar and unfamiliar is crucial in avoiding the DIY design trap. Our brain’s innate tendency to overlook what we know too well can be detrimental in a business context, where every visual element counts. That’s where Brandelight comes in, offering the professional scrutiny your designs need to make a compelling first impression.